Tips to Succeed
in Learning Spanish 

Learning a new language requires retaining a great amount of new information. It also requires motivation, commitment and hard work. You need to be patient and let frustration pass. It takes time, but it will be worth it in the long run! Tips suggested by teachers and polyglots for successful Spanish learning are below.


Learn how to spell and pronounce words

When you start learning Spanish, pay attention to spelling, alphabet and pronunciation. They are essential to learn how to write and pronounce words properly.


Learn phrases instead of single words

Learning phrases gives you more information and a better understanding of grammar and pronunciation. You will improve your conversation and understanding, which is not the case with words because they may have different meanings.


Write a journal

Writing makes you concentrate more and remember vocabulary better. Start writing down the things that you have done during the day.


Read as much as possible

When you read books in the target language, you will increase your vocabulary and improve your grammar and sentence structure.


Try to speak even with mistakes

Many learners think they have to know a lot of grammar and vocabulary before start speaking, but you can keep a conversation just by memorizing common questions and answers.


Look for more opportunities to speak Spanish in real life

You are more likely to achieve fluency when you add some speaking practice daily. Plan activities you can do together with a learning partner, for example you can read a book, watch a movie, make role plays, and create playlists for each other. Make this experience fun and educational for both.


If you can’t think in Spanish, translate your thoughts

Some experts say you need to think only in the target language, but this is something you can’t achieve at the beginning. If you are a beginner, start by translating words that you read and see until you are able to think in Spanish directly.


Expose yourself to Spanish in any form

Listening to Spanish is a great way to learn words, phrases and improve your pronunciation. Lyrics training is a very good app to practice Spanish through music and lyrics. Coffee break Spanish and españolistos are podcasts on Spotify that can improve your listening comprehension


Set a schedule for practice time

You need to be consistent with your learning process, even if you had a very busy day or you don’t want to study. We recommend one or two hours a day to achieve a good result.


Keep going

You will struggle and it is challenging, but be patient with yourself and the process. Enjoy the journey of getting better every day, rather than waiting for the day where you’ll finally speak the language.